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Arch with Seating

Arch with Seating

Concrete arch reaching between columns that compose the main attraction of the Women's Plaza of Honor.


Central Garden

Central Plaza

Computer Kiosk



Flower or cacti gardens surrounding the Plaza structures.


Gateway Entry and Two Arches with Seating

Gateway Entry and Two Arches with Seating

Leaf Tile, Large

Leaf Tile, Large

Duo-toned leaves dot the pathway of the Plaza


Leaf Tile, Medium

Leaf Tile, Medium

Ceramic tile decoration embedded in concrete.


Leaf Tile, Small

Leaf Tile, Small

Ceramic tile decoration embedded in concrete.


North Garden

North Plaza

Plaza Sections

Plaza Sections

Three paved sections of the Women's Plaza of Honor: Youth Plaza, Maturity Plaza, Seniority Plaza.


South Garden

South Plaza



Southwest-themed icons travel along the length of this elegant handrail.


Three Graces Fountain

Three Graces Fountain

Welcoming visitor's entering the Plaza from the south end, the Three Graces Fountain are a dynamic element representing the section of the Plaza dedicated to the Seniority stage of life. (See areas C3-C6: Plaza Map). The donation amount to honor someone with this item is $75,000.


