Katalina Martinez

Martinez, Katalina Katie.jpg
Honored by: Patricia MacCorquodale and Philip Krider

Location: Gift: General Gift
Inscription: Katie MacCorquodale

Katie Martinez

Born: 1990

Katalina Vania (MacCorquodale) Martinez was born in Lima, Peru and came to the United States in 1992. Her parents are Adela Ccahuana Sierra and Marco Antonio Salas. Katie attended Satori School for elementary grades, Sonoran Science Academy for middle school, and Amphitheater, Presidio and City high schools.

Her interest in children led her to work with KidsCare and Early Childhood Education at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. After the birth of her daughter, Charlotte, Katie changed careers to work as a home care giver working with elderly, veterans, and chronically ill clients and providing respite for their family members.

Katie is an amazing and loyal friend to many. She makes such strong and caring bonds with her friends that they become family—sharing holidays, having fun, enjoying each other’s children, and giving support for life’s challenges.