Sandra M. Pottinger
Gift: Engraved Paver, Large Inscription: In honor of Sandra M. Pottinger with sincere appreciation from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - 2013
In recognition and sincere appreciation to Sandra M. (Sandy) Pottinger for her 25 years of distinguished and dedicated service in the CALS Administrative Services office in the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. She joined CALS as a computer programmer in 1988 and eventually became the Assistant Dean in 2004. In July 2010 she was named the Associate Dean for CALS Administrative Services. She was awarded the CALS Administrator of the Year award in 2010 for her continuing efforts to advance CALS mission her exceptional leadership and participation in several University-related committees. She leaves behind a strong legacy as the "go to" person in the college and is known campus-wide because of her wisdom and understanding of how process changes will affect the users. Sandy has worked extensively with other University departments that are planning and implementing new system technologies with the assumption being that if it works for CALS it would work with any other college. Her staff is sincerely grateful to her for her support and insightful leadership. Her creativity and elaborate office celebrations will always be remembered. We congratulate her on the occasion of her retirement, and we wish her all the best as she casts off on her next adventure.