Devon Sloan

Devon Sloan is the Queen of Hospitality! She is the Director of Events at the Hilton El Conquistador Golf & Tennis Resort where she has earned the distinction of being named "Director of the Year", "Convention Services Manager of the Year", and was awarded the "Hilton Circle of Excellence". Devon has lived in Pittsburgh Washington D.C. Santa Barbara and San Francisco Seattle and Tucson. No matter where she travels, she is the world's greatest tourist imbuing herself in the local culture and delighting in sharing her discoveries with others. She is a Certified Meeting Professional a "Spirit Award" winner of the Professional Convention Management Assn. and a past President of the Assn. for Convention Operations Management. Devon is a volunteer instructor in the Tourism Ambassadors Program with the Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau. She worked on the Arizona Republic Advisory Board and even finds time to facilitate classes for Divorce Recovery. Her humor kindness professionalism exuberance (and love of chocolate) endear her to those who are fortunate enough to come into contact with her. She easily shares her joie de vivre and daily vives with joie!