Jo Ann Troutman

UA Women's Studies and SIROW mourn and honor Jo Ann Troutman. Jo Ann Troutman Senior Business Manager for Women's Studies and SIROW passed away December 8 2003. Her many contributions and outstanding personal qualities were honored at a crowded memorial service in the Rincon Room of the Student Union on Friday December 12. Jo Ann came to Women's Studies and SIROW as Administrative Assistant in 1984 and rose to the position of Senior Business Manager. The amount range and quality of her work have been extraordinary. During this last year she was responsible for over 50 accounts and a budget of more than $2 million. She took care of office equipment space allocation computer trouble-shooting was building monitor did graphic design served on an array of committees and much more. With her degree in microbiology for over a decade she was the mainstay of the Women in Science and Engineering Program. Jo Ann served on the University's Commission on the Status of Women and was a leader in the Daughters on Campus Day. But these facts leave much to be said about how Jo Ann has done her work and what she has meant to Women's Studies and SIROW. Comments in her files by Heads of Wome's Studies and letters of appreciation written over the years identify Jo Ann as the heart and history of Women's Studies who showed responsibility to the Department beyond the call of duty. As early as her first year on the job her efforts were lauded as absolutely Herculean. Jo Ann received many awards that testify to her professional accomplishments among them the University's Staff Award for Excellence and more than once the Social and Behavioral Sciences Outstanding Staff Award. But it has not been all grinding business - Jo Ann's many talents and generosity led her to make and decorate cakes for our birthdays write song lyrics for departmental events and to bake cookies for construction workers. The graduate students of 2003 gave her an award for being The Cat's Meow. We can all agree and will miss her greatly.