Eve Shapiro

Honored by: Paul, Ben & Miriam Gordon
Location: B4
B4 Gift: Engraved Paver, Small
Inscription: Eve Shapiro

Dr. Shapiro was born and raised in New York. She attended Brandeis University and graduated in May 1972 with a BA in biology. She went on to attend the State University of New York Upstate Medical Center from which she received her MD degree in June 1976. Her first two years of post-graduate training in Pediatrics occurred in Strong Memorial Hospital University of Rochester. She finished her training in 1979 at Montefiore Hospital Einstein Medical School. She completed a fellowship in Adolescent Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1981. She has had faculty positions at Mount Sinai School of Medicine University of Rochester School of Medicine and the University of Arizona College of Medicine. In May 2001 she completed the requirements and received a MPH from the University of Arizona College of Public Health. Outside of her clinical and teaching responsibilities her volunteer work has included: "Pima County Medical Society: Board of Directors Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President, President, Elect President and, Past President" Pima County Pediatrics Society - Treasurer - Quality Assurance Committee Member - Associates in Women's Health: An out-of-hospital birthing center (Arizona Chapter) American Academy of Pediatrics Secretary - Chairperson of Healthy Arizona Initiative - Proposition 204 o Successful statewide ballot initiative to increase access to health care for working poor. Increased state Medicaid (AHCCCS) eligibility from 33% to 100% federal poverty level bringing health insurance to more than 150000 Arizonans. "Committeeperson for Arizona for a Healthy Future o Successful statewide ballot referendum providing funding for several healthcare needs including tobacco education and prevention" Southern District Director-Arizona Medical Association; Vice-speaker Arizona Medical Association "Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers" Member - Adolescent Health Leadership Forum American Academy of Pediatrics She was awarded the "Woman of Courage Award" from the National Organization of Women in 2002. This is presented yearly to a woman in Southern Arizona who has contributed in a significant way to their community. She is currently working on a voter initiative aimed at bringing health care to that growing segment of uninsured people in our State. In her office she provides outstanding care to her patients one by one. In the classroom she models community activism working to encourage our future leaders to have a positive impact on our future. With her volunteerism she brings change to the community - over 150000 members of it. Finally in the words of her husband and children: "you have shown us all how to continue setting higher personal goals and then surpassing them. From work to politics to athletics you hurdle over all others. And we love you".