UA Business and Professional Women

In 1964 the first working women's organization was established at the University of Arizona and recognized by President Harvill as a campus organization. University of Arizona Business and Professional Women (UA/BPW) is a chapter of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW/USA). Its goals are to provide advocacy education and equity for women. The 50 charter members were faculty and classified staff. UA/BPW members have served as BPW/AZ chairs officers and foundation trustees. Monthly programs provide opportunities for women to network and develop leadership skills. UA/BPW members have been and continue to be active members in the campus Ombudsmen program Classified Staff Council college staff councils and UA Commission on Status of Women. UA/BPW sponsored the first campus training seminars for supervisors and childcare and eldercare workshops. It also participated in Bring Your Daughters to Work Clothesline Legislative Pride Night hosting foreign student receptions and many other campus events. Other activities include sponsoring political candidate forums and domestic violence workshops publishing safety brochures for Tucson schools publishing city government directories conducting and publishing research on women's health issues and producing public television videotapes on women's issues. Thousands of dollars have been donated for student scholarships and UA/BPW worked hard for passage of the ERA amendment. UA/BPW is proud of its 40-year campus heritage and continues to work to unite women toward an equitable work environment through education mentoring and community involvement. ------------------ Photo Caption ------------------ The attached photo shows founding officers of University of Arizona Business & Professional Women signing the local organization's charter on Oct. 21, 1964. Left to right: Cora Lee Schroeder president; Hazel Gamble treasurer; Corann Pesqueira recording secretary; Blanche Seferlis 1st vice-president; Rae Hirsch 2nd vice-president; Jean Plunkett corresponding secretary. UA BPW received official approval as a University organization from President Richard Harvill. It was the first BPW unit on a college campus in the United States. After 33 years of university community and state involvement (BPW Arizona) UA BPW continues to thrive. Members come from Greater Tucson as well as the University of Arizona and a variety of occupations.