Ethel May Fisher Sullivan

Ethel May Fisher Sullivan of Phoenix graduated from the University of Arizona in 1933 with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education. A member of Pi Lambda Delta women's education honorary and of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority she was a Senior Class officer and served as President and Business Manager of the Women's Athletic Association. For her sportsmanship leadership personal achievement and outstanding contributions to the advancement of women's athletics she received Best Sportswoman of the Year award in 1933 from the Physical Education Department and graduated with four varsity letters in archery golf hockey and swimming. After graduation Ethel taught at Phoenix Union High School and then took a position at the University of Arizona teaching the theory course for Physical Education majors as well as being the golf and archery instructor. Ethel has been active with the University of Arizona Alumni serving on its Board of Directors for eight years and was Chair of the Constitution and Organization Committee which recommended the original incorporation of the Alumni Association in 1956. She received the University of Arizona 75th Anniversary Medallion of Merit in 1960 and the Alumni Service Award in 1963 for more than 25 years of service to the University. She was Chairman of the Board of her family's contracting company and served on the Maricopa Board of Directors for the Red Cross the Jane Wayland Home the Friendly House the United Fund and was Grand Regent for the Catholic Daughters of America and a National Officer of Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae. Ethel Fisher Sullivan was listed in Who's Who in American Women and Who's Who in the West. Ethel Fisher Sullivan is being honored in the Women's Plaza of Hoor for a number of reasons. She has made an extraordinary commitment to education at the University of Arizona having established with her family the Ottus F. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Fund which has awarded numerous scholarships to University of Arizona undergraduate students for more than 35 years and continues to this day. She was also a substantial influence and help to her siblings with their education after the loss of their father at an early age. By her leadership and involvement in Women's Athletics and being a four sport letterwoman at the University in the early 1930s she contributed greatly to the advancement of women's athletics at the University of Arizona. She has been a dedicated alumna to her alma mater having given years and years of service and leadership to the Alumni Association and was active in the summer job placement program for students (athletes) helping them get work in the summer to assist with their education expenses. We are delighted to honor this amazing lady who at the age of ninety-two years still bleeds red and blue!