Mary Eleanor Williams Ott

Honored by: Ginter, Patricia Ott

Birthday: 1923

BA in Education with honors University of Arizona, Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, Mortar Board member, English teacher at Wakefield Jr. High, Catalina Junior High (Doolen), Master's in Library Science, Librarian at Van Buskirk Roskruge, ADK member, Arizona Historical Society docent, School volunteer, Friends of the Public Library volunteer, Catalina United Methodist church activities: Circle 1 Homebuilder's class, library committee church office volunteer, Oasis senior activities. We the children of Eleanor Williams Ott have chosen to honor our mother by memorializing her in the Women's Plaza of Honor at the University of Arizona. She gave us and all who knew her a shining example and true model of what a Women Christian Wife and Mother exemplifies. At the young age of 16 due to poor health she ventured by train from Indiana to Arizona to attend the University of Arizona. In 1945 she graduated with honors with a BA in Education. While teaching English at Wakefield Junior High she met Frank E. Ott our father. They married in 1947 and had four children. She eventually made the decision to stay at home and raise us. Yet our mother never lost her love of learning. After 20 years she returned to the University of Arizona and earned an MS in Library Science and became librarian at Van Buskirk and Roskruge schools. After many fruitful years in education she retired to spend more time with our father after his retirement. She was a perpetual enthusiastic volunteer at church and community activities and a devoted grandmother of nine who was always present at her grandchildren's countless activities. Above all our mother was the best wife for our father and the consummate mother to us. In spite of poor health throughout her life she never lacked a smile and a cheerful countenance. She was a woman who lived her priorities daily - love of God family and fellow man.