June Webb-Vignery

Honored by: Anderson, Mark
Areas of Achievement: Higher Education, Literature, Volunteerism
Birthday: 1937
Location: B4
B4 Gift: Engraved Paver, Small

June Webb-Vignery (Ph.D. University of Arizona) has held faculty positions in Women's Studies and Management at the University of Arizona and History at New Mexico State University. She has been an Affirmative Action professional and administrator in government and higher education and has received gubernatorial and federal appointments to several boards and commissions. Author of Jacome's Department Store (Garland Publishing 1989) and co-author of Everybody's Business: Winning the Workforce 2000 Challenge (Garland Publishing 1992) June is currently Executive Director of the Metropolitan Education Commission in Tucson Arizona. A University of Arizona graduate (B.A. Drama Education; M.A. Ph.D. History) June Webb-Vignery has devoted her professional career to the elimination of sexism and racism. Part of a prototype team to integrate Houston Texas public schools in 1967 she participated in the establishment of Affirmative Action programs at the City of Tucson (1974-77) and Pima Community College (1987-1990). As part of her work at the City she developed the first Women in Management course in the U.S. for the University of Arizona Women's Studies program and subsequently taught the courses (1977-85). Appointed to the Arizona Women's Commission by Governor Raul Castro where she helped to establish the Arizona Women's Hall of Fame Webb-Vignery was also appointed to the Arizona Civil Rights Board by Governor Bruce Babbitt and served as Vice-Chair. Currently she chairs the Arizona State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Since 1991 Webb-Vignery has served as Executive Director of the Metropolitan Education Commission a City/County Commission established to address education issues. Under her leadership several programs have been established to encourage underrepresented groups to graduate from high school and seek higher education. Author of several articles and two books on gender and cultural issues Webb-Vignery has received several honors including the YWCA Women on the Move Award the Arizona Women's Political Caucus Mim Morris Woman Making History Award the Inside Tucson Business Woman of Influence Award the League of United Latin American Citizens Community Service Awards and the Tucson Historical Commission Community Award. Husband John Robert Vignery (deceased) was a Professor Emeritus in the University of Arizona's Department of History. June has two sons two stepdaughters and four grandchildren.