Patricia L. MacCorquodale

Honored by: Phillip E. Krider

Location: C3
C3 Gift: General Gift

Patricia MacCorquodale is a sociologist, professor and higher education leader who devoted her career to promoting equity in higher education. She spent 42 years of her career at the University of Arizona with visiting appointments at Stanford University Center for Research on Women and the London School of Economics. An active feminist, she was one of the founders of the UA department of Gender & Women’s Studies and the Southwest Institute for Research on Women.

Patricia received her BA from Carleton College in 1972 and a MS and PhD from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Her dissertation focused on gender roles, self-image, body image and sexuality. Her sociological research focused on the entry of women into traditionally male careers, gender roles and sexuality, and career aspirations of Arizona youth, with special attention to interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Co author of Engineers and Economic Conversion (with M.W. Gilliand, JP Kash and A Jameton), Changing Our Minds: Feminist transformations of knowledge (SH Aiken, K Anderson, JN Lensink, and Premarital Sexuality: Attitudes, Relationships, Behavior (with John Delamater). Her teaching specialties include social psychology, gender, work and family, sexuality, gender and human rights, race and ethnic relations and college teaching. She received many teaching honors including UA Creative Teaching Award, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award and Mortar Board Outstanding Faculty Award. As a Tucson Public Voices fellow, MacCorquodale published op-ed pieces on racism, gender inequalities, education, and feminist issues.

Patricia was the founding dean of the UA Honors College where she created an interdisciplinary faculty, student engagement initiative, an interdisciplinary minor Health and Human Values, and transition programs for first-year and first generation students. The best part of her 23 years as Dean was getting to know hundreds of Honors students. A Kellogg National Leadership Fellow, she developed the Honors Civic Leadership Academy to provide students the intellectual foundation and toolkit to be leaders in their communities and professions. She demonstrated her leadership as Founding President of Arizona Honors Council, President of the Western Social Science Association, President of Governing Board of Satori Schools, UA BETA chapter Best Boss award, research member of Pima County Gender and Justice Task Force, and YWCA Women on the Move Award.

Patricia’s deep commitment to Women’s Studies began as soon as she arrived at the UA. She was awarded the first research grant through the Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) to study Social Influences on the Participation of Mexican American Women in Science. As chair of the Women in Science and Engineering board from 1990-97, she led the development of the WISE handbook and video that was distributed in every high school in Arizona. In Gender & Women’s Studies, MacCorquodale served as Acting Head and Director of Undergraduate Studies, chaired search, annual review and promotion committees, and taught in projects to integrate women’s studies into higher education curriculum. She received the Mary Bernard Aguirre Professorship in 2019 to create an oral history on the Founding Mothers of Women’s Studies. In conjunction with this research, she is curator of an exhibit in UA Special Collections-- Founding Mothers: From the ballot box to the university.

Patricia was honored by her family, Dr. E. Philip Krider, professor emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences and children Reed Krider and Ruth Krider. Sharing in the lives of her children and grandchildren are the greatest sources of pride and joy in her life. She hopes that her grandchildren learn from her example that injustices must be fought and everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.

Dr. MacCorquodale is also honored on the First UA Women Administrators Arch which can be found here: