Kay Turbeville Polovina

Kay attended the University of Arizona in the 70s. Subsequently she returned to California and began a career in real estate becoming an award-winning realtor in Newport Beach. At the same time, she practiced "giving back" as a tireless volunteer in Charity League Children's Home Society President of the Women's Club in Lido etc. Wife Mother Grandmother Businesswoman Volunteer. It is hard to look at a young co-ed at the University of Arizona and know where she will make her mark. Decades later it becomes clear. Simply one classification does not fit Kay Turbeville Polovina as she has excelled in business family and community. Her daughter said it well She is the mom that everyone wants as their mom. Others would add friend aunt daughter and more to the list. In all these roles there are several common threads. She is the one who organizes and makes things happen whether it is emergency housing for a sailing team or the perfect surprise party. She cares and is the one who can be counted on. In addition, she is the one who wants to make things special and memorable just because she enjoys it. Thus, it is my privilege to honor a special person my sister Kay Turbeville Polovina. -- Pamela J. Turbeville