Pearl Parvin Coulter

Education: University of Denver Denver CO Biology Psychology Education A.B. 1926 University of Denver Denver, CO Biology Psychology Education M.S. 1927 University of Colorado Boulder, CO Diploma 1935 George Peabody College for Teachers Nashville, TN Public Health Nursing 1936 Yale University New Haven, CT Graduate Student Public Health 1946-47 Professional Nursing Education Positions: University of Colorado School of Nursing Instructor of Nursing Arts 1936-37 George Peabody College for Teachers Faculty Public Health Nursing 1937-41 University of Wisconsin School of Nursing Madison 1941-43 University of Colorado Director of Public Health Nursing 1943-57 University of Arizona: --Director School of Nursing 1957-64 --Founding Dean College of Nursing 1964-67 --Dean Emerita and Professor of Nursing 1967-73 --Dean Emerita and Professor Emerita 1973-2002 **Mrs. Coulter was the first woman academic dean at the University of Arizona Professional Accomplishments: Numerous publications in professional journals. Offices held: President Colorado State Nurses' Association 1945-47 President Colorado League for Nursing 1954-56 Board of Directors National Organization for Public Health Nursing Second Vice-Chairman Public Health Nurses' Section American Nurses' Association Board of Directors American Journal of Nursing Company Executive Committee for Council on Higher Education for Nursing of Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) President Arizona State Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education 1963-64 Board of Directors National League for Nursing 1954-62 Awards: Honorary Doctor of Science degree University of Colorado 1970 Honorary Doctor of Science degree University of Arizona 1983 Pearl McIver Award for public health nursing American Nurses' Association 1962 Dean Coulter was a visionary in nursing education in the 1950s and 1960s as baccalaureate nursing education came into its own. Her expectation that graduate nursing education would be essential in building nursing's future through nursing science has come to fruition. She set high standards for nursing and nursing education - and she supported those who endeavored to meet those standards. Her vision for a partnership between the community and the academic enterprise continues to play a significant role in nursing education. Dean Coulter's Commitment to excellence in nursing education and nursing practice served well those of us privileged to benefit from her leadership.