Reinalda Chavez

Reinalda was born in Ray-Sonora Arizona as the second eldest daughter of thirteen siblings. She later grew up in Jalisco Mexico on the family ranch. Returning to Arizona in her late twenties she met and married Lilo Chavez of Miami Arizona. She raised a son and two daughters additionally being a foster mother and mentor to more than twenty children. Gardening sewing cooking reading and chickens were her pleasures. Her energy and sparkle were a joy to all who beheld them. Focus in the Chavez household was to instill the values Reinalda grew up with such as a strong work ethic faith in God a passion for reading/learning and a responsibility to help others. Having left school at the age of fourteen to help raise her brothers and sisters her education changed suddenly from formal to informal. She borrowed reading material when the chance arose and later as an adult attended night school. Her dream of a higher education was realized not as a graduate but as a proud mother of two University of Arizona College of Engineering graduates. Her life was cut short by the diagnosis of breast cancer. But her mind spirit and optimism remained strong until the end. She courageously fought cancer with the same fervor that she lived each precious day of her life being a devoted wife mother grandmother and friend.