Jo Ann Troutman

Jo Ann grew up in Chatham Virginia the treasured youngest of four daughters. While still a young teenager she moved to Arizona with her family and graduated from Kofa High School in Yuma Arizona in 1974. She went on to attend the University of Arizona earning a degree in Microbiology. After graduation Jo Ann joined the staff of the University making it her home until her untimely death in 2003. Although her family members lived some distance away no special occasion or holiday gathering was complete if Jo Ann could not be there. She made her own unique contribution to each occasion from the beautifully wrapped Christmas packages she presented to the beautifully decorated wedding cake she created for her niece to the incisive wit and keen sense of humor she loved to share. Jo Ann was an independent intelligent and sensible young woman with a soft spot in her heart for stray cats and underdogs. Although in poor health herself for many years she never failed to help a friend in need or donate to a worthy cause. She is greatly missed by her family and friends. --Marilyn Sell Myra Spence and Sharon Thomson