Rosalind Andreas

Rosalind Haury Enns was born in Newton Kansas in 1941. In 1963 she received her B.A. in English with highest distinction from Bethel College the oldest Mennonite institution of higher education in North America. She received her master's in 1973 in speech communication from the University of Kansas. Rosalind married Carl R. Andreas and relocated to the greater Detroit area. There at Oakland University she first directed the Offices in Commuter Affairs then Student Activities prior to serving as the first woman Dean of Students. She continued graduate work at the Center for the Study of Higher and Post-Secondary Education at the University of Michigan receiving a Ph.D. in education in 1984. Rosalind moved to Tucson and she served as the first woman Dean of Students at the University of Arizona from 1985 through 1989. Dudley Woodard Professor of Higher Education invited her to help unite a leadership team at U of A whose mission was to improve the quality of student life in both the classroom and beyond. "It was such a great privilege for me to be an integral part of this team's undertaking while working with the students" she reminisced. While at the U of A the improvements Rosalind spearheaded included retrofitting large outdated student resident buildings and adding to the very limited recreational space on campus. Rosalind worked with the ASUA student Task Force to assess needs survey student interest in supporting a student fee for a recreation center and bringing the key players in the university together to agree to build the Student Recreation Center. She helped with creating new and improved opportunities for students to engage faculty in residence halls through a Faculty Fellows Program and was instrumental in creating opportunities for diverse voices to be heard and respected. She led the revision of public forum and judicial policies in need of a major overhaul and helped encourage student expression and community activism. She was glad to guide campus conversation to forbid sex discrimination in ASUA policies as highlighted by a woman student leader's legal challenge to the exclusion of women in the Boulder Society. She also worked with others across campus to raise awareness of alcohol abuse in the stadium fraternities sororities and residence halls. Rosalind asserted "I believe that universities need to be humane communities that not only honor those who learn but staff and faculty as well. We worked relentlessly to confront inequity injustice and to resolve conflicts to ensure that students and staff alike can all continue to learn develop and contribute to a healthy learning environment. Through the worst of crises we always relied on faculty across the disciplines to provide frameworks for understanding critical issues in these events." Following her service at the U of A Rosalind and her husband relocated to Vermont where she served as Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Vermont (1989-1995) stepping down to serve part-time on the faculty in the College of Education and Social Services. She coordinated the Secondary Education Program served on the graduate faculty and later presided as Associate Dean. She retired in 2003. Rosalind has written on educator preparation student leadership programs institutional planning commuter affairs and was one of the researchers and authors of Involving Colleges published by Jossey-Bass (1991). She was founding chairwoman of the Commission for Commuter Programs in the American College Student Personnel Association and served in leadership positions within the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. She is currently Chairwoman of the Mennonite Education Agency Board of Directors working with three colleges two universities two seminaries and elementary and secondary schools affiliated with Mennonite Church USA. She and Carl live in Westford VT and are active in the areas of education peace and justice and senior citizen services.
Written by: Kristen Cameron