Lolly Almquist

Honored by: Almquist Family
Areas of Achievement: Community Building, Volunteerism
Location: C4
C4 Gift: General Gift
Inscription: Lolly Almquist

Laura Lolly Treman Almquist's volunteer and professional experience has one common thread - her dedication to making Tucson a better place for all children. She held positions at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona as Associate Director and Director Grants/Programs from 1992-97. As a community volunteer Lolly is a member of the University Medical Center Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and the Children's Action Alliance Boards. She has been a board member of the Tucson Urban League Mayor's Task Force on Children's Mental Health United Way Casa de los Niños Northern Trust Bank and Junior League of Tucson. Lolly was appointed to the Arizona Governor's Office for Children from 1977-82 and chaired the Inter-Agency Advisory Council concerned with areas that affect children youth and families both under the leadership of Governor Babbitt. Lolly was a member of the Tucson Unified School District Governing Board from 1977 to 1985 and she served as Clerk and Chair. Her son Art continues the relationship with TUSD in his position as a drama teacher at Tucson High School. The Tucson community has recognized Lolly's devotion and dedication to all that is good by presenting her with several awards - Tucson Woman of the Year and Distinguished Citizen Award University of Arizona in 1980 the YWCA Iris Dewhirst Community Service Award in 2001 and she was the recipient of the Pima Council on Aging Sticking Your Neck Out Award in 2003. Those few words really describe Lolly Almquist - a woman who will stick her neck out to help our children and our community.